Processing SNMP-traps with Zabbix becomes much easier when they have been translated based on the MIB-file(s) van de vendor.
On a linux system the default location for MIB-files is /usr/share/snmp/mibs. To maintain an overview of the MIB-files it is better to put additional MIB-files in a subdirectory per vendor, e.g. /usr/share/snmp/mibs/VendorX.
Create a file with the name snmp.conf in /etc/snmp:
Some settings need to be changed in snmptt.ini:
net_snmp_perl_enable = 1
translate_log_trap_oid = 1
translate_value_oids = 1
mibs_environment - ALL
wildcard_expansion_separator = ";"
If that has not yet been done net-snmp-perl must be installed (yum install net-snmp-perl)